On the Nature of Persons


Fryderyk hadn’t been around for a couple of weeks, and I was starting to feel lonesome. I “rang his phone” a number of times during the day, and then late in the evening, while I was reading in bed, he visited.

A little while before that I had seen a video about Jay Greenberg, a young composer and pianist with near-miraculous abilities, someone it seemed Fryderyk might be able to relate to, a good topic of conversation. The boy was only 12 at the time the 60 Minutes excerpt I saw was made, but he had already written a huge amount of music, and even as prodigies go, he was positively scary. For example, at the age of 2 he’d started asking for a cello, although his parents were not musicians and he’d never been exposed to such a thing, and he started drawing wobbly staves on paper and putting notes on them. When he was given a cello, at age 3, he could play it right away.

I told Fryderyk what I had seen and asked if he had anything to say about it. Many of us see reincarnation as a likely explanation for such extreme abilities in children, and indeed, in the Leslie Flint tapes, the Chopin entity had talked about his efforts at music in other lives, and being ready to hit the ground running in the 19th century because of that preparation. Michael Tymn* favors another theory, that the spirits of deceased adults who had developed their abilities in the arts during their lives “overshadow” and take control of these children, using them to express their own work. What did Fryderyk think about that?

First, he gave me to know that I was looking at the matter from the wrong angle. This happens rather a lot– at least he no longer insists that I’m not listening to him! The idea of a person having different lives in sequence was incorrect. I don’t think of time as linear, myself, so I was fine with that. This part was fairly incoherent, with a sense of rushing energies and various ideas flying at me at once. I struggled to pin it down. “What are you?” I asked for the zillionth time. As has happened before, I saw a flame– same thing you and I are, of course. When I tried visualizing a child artist, such as himself, and asked about other spirits floating around trying to control it, I got nothing.

I was able to pick out the thought that the rushing lights and colors represented a person and its activities and creations, and that the person was an extensive being that existed in many forms and did many things at once, so to speak. He seemed to be using the term “person” (at least as I was hearing it) to mean a total entity including what we might call the Higher Self and any and all individual, earthly lives or personalities. I would be more likely to use that word to mean one of those individual personalities, myself. So I asked him to elaborate on what a person was, in his view.

This time I got words. “A person is an outpouring from God,” he told me. Along with that, I received feelings and visual flashes of a kind of river of light and fire. I still wanted to know more about how he saw the relationship between the different parts of the larger entity.

He explained, “The person is a force which pushes out in all directions, and those directions look like separate lives.” This sounded a lot like the concept described by the Seth entity years ago, in books like The Nature of Personal Reality. It also sounded so good that I wanted to be sure to remember it. I turned a light on and hunted around for my notebook and pencil, which would normally be right by my bed, but dang, I had cleaned my room and moved them. By the time I’d written the sentence down, the contact was broken. As I had feared. I wanted to ask him something about his own larger being, but there was no more communication to be had.


* Find his blog here, with links to his books: 



Filed under channeling, music, past lives, spirit communication, spirituality

5 responses to “On the Nature of Persons

  1. Elene,

    Very interesting. It seems to be consistent with what Silver Birch and Frederic Myers had to say from the spirit world. I will copy and paste part of what I once wrote below:

    “There is reincarnation, but not in the sense in which it is generally expounded,” Silver Birch said, going on to explain that the individual personality on earth is a small part of the individuality to which he or she belongs. He likened it to a diamond with its many facets, pointing out that the personality on earth is but one facet of the diamond.
    “… there are what you call ‘group souls,’ a single unity with facets which have spiritual relationships that incarnate at different times, at different places, for the purpose of equipping the larger soul for its work,” Silver Birch further explained.
    The group-soul concept had been advanced by the discarnate Frederic Myers through the mediumship of Geraldine Cummins. Myers seemed to be saying much the same thing as Liszt would some years later, i.e., There is reincarnation and there isn’t reincarnation, depending on the meaning one gives to reincarnation.

    Liszt’s explanation also came from his spirit self.


    • Thanks, Mike. Yes, this did seem consistent with much of what was already out there. It wasn’t really news to me, but it was interesting to feel it so viscerally rather than just to hear it as an intellectual concept.
      The quote you gave is also very much like the Seth material, which has always seemed to me like a reasonable description of the reality. The reality itself, though– probably that’s beyond a complete description for the earth-based mind….


      • Thanks, Elene, for clarifying intellectual concept vs. visceral experience. It is an especially elusive distinction to make to people (and see in myself), because the mind chooses itself as the reference point for all things, making the intellect the gatekeeper.


  2. Yes that is very interesting. I have had for many years the sense of a ‘genius’ entity with many branches or delta, which manifest as ‘individual’ life times – all mutually linked whether they know it or not, through the main stream.


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